
Category - Document Standards

X-UA-Compatible IE specific instruction tells a browser to use a specific browser version to render a page.

We have discovered  18,356,425 live websites   that are using X-UA-Compatible.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using X-UA-Compatible18,356,425 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Document Standards#4
Market penetration in Document Standards36.18%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in X-UA-Compatible usage. (See X-UA-Compatible Usage Changes report)
Websites that added X-UA-Compatible+173,715
Websites that dropped X-UA-Compatible-217,927

X-UA-Compatible usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of X-UA-Compatible technology and the relative popularity of websites

Geographical Distribution

Technology usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing X-UA-Compatible

Top websites that use X-UA-Compatible
www.youtube.com United States6
developers.google.com United States11
www.linkedin.com United States19
cdnjs.cloudflare.com United States20
www.cloudflare.com United States27
accounts.google.com United States28
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

JavaScript: Total 45,304,317 domains found using JavaScript
Viewport Meta: Total 41,691,790 domains found using Viewport Meta
Description Meta: Total 30,924,466 domains found using Description Meta
srcset: Total 15,933,001 domains found using srcset
HTML5 Tags: Total 14,401,378 domains found using HTML5 Tags
Priority Hints: Total 8,441,634 domains found using Priority Hints