
Category - JavaScript Libraries

xajax is an open source PHP class library for easily creating powerful PHP-driven, web-based Ajax Applications.

We have discovered  12,370 live websites   that are using Xajax.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Xajax12,370 websites
Most popular in the country Netherlands
Market position in JavaScript Libraries#368
Market penetration in JavaScript Libraries<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Xajax usage.
Websites that added Xajax 139
Websites that dropped Xajax 270

Available Reports

Technology Information

Xajax usage by Country

United States1,741 websites

Netherlands2,858 websites
Germany2,464 websites
Spain841 websites
Russia662 websites
Hungary619 websites
France542 websites
Poland422 websites
Brazil215 websites
Italy180 websites

Xajax usage by TLD

.com3,153 websites
.nl2,138 websites
.de1,753 websites
.ru617 websites
.hu583 websites
.pl356 websites
.be297 websites
.com.br230 websites
.net221 websites
.fr208 websites

Websites utilizing Xajax

Top websites that use Xajax
nic.ru Russia2,284
tb.53kf.com Hong Kong3,522
joomlatune.com Russia8,024
healthmap.org United States14,917
chat.53kf.com Hong Kong18,968
marketinginstitut.biz Germany20,744
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

jQuery: Total 25,685,991 domains found using jQuery
jQuery Migrate: Total 11,368,443 domains found using jQuery Migrate
jQuery UI: Total 6,361,028 domains found using jQuery UI
Polyfill: Total 4,487,183 domains found using Polyfill
Swiper: Total 4,193,605 domains found using Swiper
html5shiv: Total 3,169,095 domains found using html5shiv
jQuery Waypoints: Total 2,434,837 domains found using jQuery Waypoints
Modernizr: Total 2,384,113 domains found using Modernizr
matchMedia: Total 2,268,990 domains found using matchMedia
underscore: Total 2,191,829 domains found using underscore


WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Xajax. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Xajax through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 12,370 live websites that currently use Xajax.
The primary competing technologies to Xajax are jQuery, jQuery Migrate, jQuery UI, and Polyfill.