Audio Players

Music players are media software that are specifically designed to play audio files.

We have discovered 172,380 live websites that use Audio Players.

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Audio Players usage statistics

Total sites that use Audio Players172,380 websites
Percentage of website that use category0.27%
Number of technologies in Audio Players category4

Category leader SoundCloud
Fastest Growing Technology SoundCloud
Most Popular in Country United States

Audio Players usage by Country

United States83,980 websites

Israel34,596 websites
Germany11,749 websites
France8,581 websites
GB4,212 websites
Netherlands2,674 websites
Vietnam2,167 websites
Italy1,816 websites
Japan1,628 websites
Switzerland1,528 websites

Audio Players usage by TLD

.com107,354 websites
.org10,674 websites
.net6,740 websites
.de6,545 websites
.co.uk4,649 websites
.fr4,118 websites
.nl2,304 websites
.com.br1,675 websites
.ca1,639 websites
.ch1,475 websites

Top Technologies

Top 4 technologies in Audio Players category (out of 4 total).
See full technology list

Top technology switches

Number of websites that switched technologies within category in the past 3 months

FromToWebsite Count
SoundCloud for Wix SoundCloud4
Compact WP Audio Player SoundCloud1
SoundCloud Compact WP Audio Player1
SoundCloud SoundCloud for Wix1

Websites utilizing Audio Players

Top websites that use Audio Players
DomainCountryRankContacts United States95 United States205 United States551 United States1,009 United States1,127 United States1,432
See full domain list