Software as a service

Software as a service

We have discovered 16,735 live websites that use SaaS.

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Software as a service usage statistics

Total sites that use SaaS16,735 websites
Percentage of website that use category<0.1%
Number of technologies in SaaS category11

Category leader Iframely
Fastest Growing Technology Zapier
Most Popular in Country United States

SaaS usage by Country

United States11,059 websites

Germany2,051 websites
Israel679 websites
Netherlands519 websites
France293 websites
GB204 websites
New Zealand196 websites
Australia106 websites
Canada104 websites

SaaS usage by TLD

.com7,343 websites
.org2,275 websites
.de1,246 websites
.net443 websites
.co.nz400 websites
.nl351 websites
.co.uk335 websites
.io331 websites
.ca242 websites
.com.au231 websites

Top Technologies

Top 6 technologies in SaaS category (out of 11 total).
TechnologyWebsitesMarket PenetrationRecent changes
Iframely5,994 35.82% +545
Zapier5,139 30.71% +565
SharePoint Online1,917 11.46% -73
MyraCloud1,681 10.04% +37
Editor X898 5.37% -4,950
FLEXERA502 3.00% +36
See full technology list

Websites utilizing Software as a service

Top websites that use SaaS
DomainCountryRankContacts Netherlands88 Israel132 United States185 United States260 United States272 Germany463
See full domain list