
Category - User Review

GetApp provides custom app recommendations for your business

We have discovered  1,122 live websites   that are using GetApp.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using GetApp1,122 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in User Review#72
Market share in User Review<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in GetApp usage.
Websites that added GetApp 173
Websites that dropped GetApp 124

Available Reports

Technology Information

GetApp usage by Country

United States943 websites

Germany39 websites
GB22 websites
France17 websites
Czech Republic13 websites
Canada10 websites
Poland8 websites
Cyprus6 websites
Russia5 websites
Netherlands5 websites

GetApp usage by TLD

.com825 websites
.io72 websites
.org23 websites
.co21 websites
.net19 websites
.ai15 websites
.co.uk11 websites
.app9 websites
.de9 websites
.com.au8 websites

Websites utilizing GetApp

Top websites that use GetApp
DomainCountryRankContacts United States180 United States690 GB741 Australia2,019 United States3,644 United States5,042
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Trustpilot: Total 482,703 domains found using Trustpilot
Trustindex: Total 113,509 domains found using Trustindex
Judge Me: Total 76,012 domains found using Judge Me
Shopify Product Reviews: Total 54,732 domains found using Shopify Product Reviews
Yotpo Reviews: Total 42,704 domains found using Yotpo Reviews
Inffuse Testimonials: Total 41,866 domains found using Inffuse Testimonials
Yotpo: Total 34,003 domains found using Yotpo
Trusted Shops: Total 26,649 domains found using Trusted Shops
Stamped: Total 22,623 domains found using Stamped
Qualtrics: Total 22,394 domains found using Qualtrics


GetApp is User Review.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including GetApp. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing GetApp through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 1,122 live websites that currently use GetApp.
GetApp has <0.1% market share in User Review.
The primary competing technologies to GetApp are Trustpilot, Trustindex, Judge Me, and Shopify Product Reviews.