
Category - A/B Testing, Lead Generation

Pulse is a social proof marketing software tool

We have discovered  2,585 live websites   that are using Pulse.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Pulse2,585 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in A/B Testing#26
Market share in A/B Testing0.17%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Pulse usage.
Websites that added Pulse 138
Websites that dropped Pulse 203

Available Reports

Alternative Names

  • Proof

Technology Information

Pulse usage by Country

United States2,144 websites

Russia57 websites
Germany38 websites
France35 websites
Switzerland34 websites
Australia32 websites
GB27 websites
Singapore25 websites
Israel24 websites

Pulse usage by TLD

.com2,022 websites
.com.au59 websites
.net57 websites
.co41 websites
.org36 websites
.co.uk24 websites
.io22 websites
.ca22 websites
.de20 websites
.ru18 websites

Websites utilizing Pulse

Top websites that use Pulse
kaspersky.com Switzerland5,650
threatpost.com Russia6,041
foundr.com United States12,998
sellfy.com United States13,045
datacenterdynamics.com United States15,253
support.clickbank.com United States16,577
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Matomo: Total 614,737 domains found using Matomo
Optimizely: Total 390,507 domains found using Optimizely
Google Optimize: Total 95,533 domains found using Google Optimize
Crazy Egg: Total 73,145 domains found using Crazy Egg
ContentSquare: Total 43,479 domains found using ContentSquare
Mixpanel: Total 39,471 domains found using Mixpanel
Visual Website Optimizer: Total 39,024 domains found using Visual Website Optimizer
ConvertKit: Total 30,766 domains found using ConvertKit
Unbounce: Total 23,784 domains found using Unbounce
Freshworks CRM: Total 20,591 domains found using Freshworks CRM


WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Pulse. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Pulse through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 2,585 live websites that currently use Pulse.
Pulse has 0.17% market share in A/B Testing.
The primary competing technologies to Pulse are Matomo, Optimizely, Google Optimize, and Crazy Egg.