Association Management

Membership software (also known as an association management system) is a computer software which provides associations, clubs and other membership organizations with the functionality they require to provide their services to their members.

We have discovered 152,132 live websites that use Association Management.

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Association Management usage statistics

Total sites that use Association Management152,132 websites
Percentage of website that use category0.24%
Number of technologies in Association Management category49

Category leader iMIS
Fastest Growing Technology WishList Member
Most Popular in Country United States

Alternative Names

  • Membership software

Association Management usage by Country

United States92,049 websites

France11,171 websites
Germany9,467 websites
Japan6,097 websites
GB4,097 websites
Netherlands4,090 websites
Canada1,825 websites
Australia1,650 websites
Spain1,356 websites
Switzerland1,172 websites

Association Management usage by TLD

.com60,316 websites
.org33,308 websites
.fr8,667 websites
.de5,473 websites
.net4,797 websites
.nl3,572 websites
.ca2,716 websites
.co.uk2,571 websites
.fi2,334 websites
.com.au1,915 websites

Top Technologies

Top 6 technologies in Association Management category (out of 49 total).
TechnologyWebsitesMarket ShareRecent changes
iMIS27,135 17.84% -640
WP-Members22,383 14.71% -266
PMPro22,222 14.61% -91
Simple Membership18,184 11.95% -73
Wild Apricot14,999 9.86% +38
SoLocal8,246 5.42% +2
See full technology list

Top technology switches

Number of websites that switched technologies within category in the past 3 months

FromToWebsite Count
Simple Membership PMPro5
MemberClicks GrowthZone3
WP-Members Simple Membership2
MemberClicks iMIS2
iMIS Simple Membership1
MemberClicks Simple Membership1

Websites utilizing Association Management

Top websites that use Association Management
DomainCountryRankContacts United States244 United States926 United States1,411 United States2,278 United States2,830 United States3,445
See full domain list