Load Balancer

Load Balancers are designed to spread the incoming traffic across the network of servers known as a server pool. Load Balancer acs as a traffic regulator that sits in front of the webservers and spreads the incoming requests to less busy web servers ensuring equal server load and a good end user experience.

We have discovered 994,791 live websites that use Load Balancer.

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Load Balancer usage statistics

Total sites that use Load Balancer994,791 websites
Percentage of website that use category1.53%
Number of technologies in Load Balancer category15

Category leader Amazon ELB
Fastest Growing Technology Istio
Most Popular in Country United States

Top Technologies

Top 6 technologies in Load Balancer category (out of 15 total).
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Top technology switches

Number of websites that switched technologies within category in the past 3 months

FromToWebsite Count
F5 BigIP Amazon ELB1,468
F5 BigIP Amazon ALB907
Amazon ELB Amazon ALB290
Amazon ALB Amazon ELB164
Amazon ELB F5 BigIP37
ARR Amazon ELB24

Websites utilizing Load Balancer

Top websites that use Load Balancer
en.wikipedia.org United States53
sso.acesso.gov.br Brazil186
eur-lex.europa.eu United States282
forbes.com United States291
cdc.gov United States296
de.wikipedia.org United States311
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