Video Conferencing

Videotelephony comprises the technologies for the reception and transmission of audio-video signals by users in different locations, for communication between people in real-time. Videoconferencing implies the use of this technology for a group or organizational meeting rather than for individuals, in a videoconference.

We have discovered 99,014 live websites that use Video Conferencing.

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Video Conferencing usage statistics

Total sites that use Video Conferencing99,014 websites
Percentage of website that use category0.16%
Number of technologies in Video Conferencing category13

Category leader Zoom Video Conferencing
Fastest Growing Technology Zoom Video Conferencing
Most Popular in Country United States

Video Conferencing usage by Country

United States67,798 websites

Germany7,353 websites
France2,316 websites
GB1,645 websites
Israel1,436 websites
Netherlands1,381 websites
Australia1,143 websites
Canada1,098 websites
Italy1,052 websites
Switzerland919 websites

Video Conferencing usage by TLD

.com47,005 websites
.org12,364 websites
.de4,445 websites
.us2,484 websites
.net2,373 websites
.edu2,073 websites
.ca1,758 websites
.com.au1,654 websites
.co.uk1,412 websites
.it1,143 websites

Top Technologies

Top 6 technologies in Video Conferencing category (out of 13 total).
See full technology list

Top technology switches

Number of websites that switched technologies within category in the past 3 months

FromToWebsite Count
Zoom Webinar Zoom Video Conferencing12
Zoom Video Conferencing Zoom Webinar7
GoToWebinar Zoom Video Conferencing2
Loom Zoom Webinar1
Zoom Video Conferencing GoToWebinar1
Zoom Webinar GoToWebinar1

Websites utilizing Video Conferencing

Top websites that use Video Conferencing
DomainCountryRankContacts United States2 United States3 United States7 United States15 United States21 United States27
See full domain list