
Category - Web Application Frameworks

We have discovered  22 live websites   that are using Ktor.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Ktor22 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Web Application Frameworks#92
Market share in Web Application Frameworks<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Ktor usage.
Websites that added Ktor 1

Websites utilizing Ktor

Top websites that use Ktor
geo.interia.pl Poland1,201,223
subscribe.buffalonews.com United States1,294,278
api.bntech.io United States2,066,853
myaccount.buffalonews.com United States6,103,612
click.linkstattrack.com United States15,355,913
static1.turbokolor.pl Poland21,886,815
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Microsoft ASP.NET: Total 2,447,759 domains found using Microsoft ASP.NET
Ruby on Rails: Total 544,400 domains found using Ruby on Rails
Laravel: Total 289,107 domains found using Laravel
Next.js: Total 252,429 domains found using Next.js
Microsoft ASP.NET MVC: Total 245,246 domains found using Microsoft ASP.NET MVC
Express: Total 196,883 domains found using Express
Angular: Total 143,664 domains found using Angular
Nuxt.js: Total 126,301 domains found using Nuxt.js
CodeIgniter: Total 120,380 domains found using CodeIgniter
ASP.NET Core: Total 105,460 domains found using ASP.NET Core


WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Ktor. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Ktor through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 22 live websites that currently use Ktor.
Ktor has <0.1% market share in Web Application Frameworks.
The primary competing technologies to Ktor are Microsoft ASP.NET, Ruby on Rails, Laravel, and Next.js.