Web Application Frameworks

Web Application Frameworks provides support and components required for development of web applications, web services, and web APIs.

We have discovered 4,787,993 live websites that use Web Application Frameworks.

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Web Application Frameworks usage statistics

Total sites that use Web Application Frameworks4,787,993 websites
Percentage of website that use category7.61%
Number of technologies in Web Application Frameworks category110

Category leader Microsoft ASP.NET
Fastest Growing Technology Extra Theme
Most Popular in Country United States

Alternative Names

  • Web Frameworks

Web Application Frameworks usage by Country

United States2,405,935 websites

China343,242 websites
Germany246,100 websites
GB161,528 websites
France113,284 websites
Russia104,810 websites
Netherlands99,161 websites
Italy85,134 websites
Turkey84,582 websites
Hong Kong84,179 websites

Web Application Frameworks usage by TLD

.com2,297,627 websites
.org216,221 websites
.net164,671 websites
.de147,146 websites
.co.uk129,780 websites
.cn92,361 websites
.ru92,249 websites
.nl91,428 websites
.it79,366 websites
.com.br76,761 websites

Top Technologies

Top 6 technologies in Web Application Frameworks category (out of 110 total).
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Top technology switches

Number of websites that switched technologies within category in the past 3 months

FromToWebsite Count
Microsoft ASP.NET Next.js384
Express Next.js241
Microsoft ASP.NET MVC ASP.NET Core227
Microsoft ASP.NET Ruby on Rails151
Django Next.js137
Microsoft ASP.NET Laravel108

Websites utilizing Web Application Frameworks

Top websites that use Web Application Frameworks
twitter.com United States7
hugedomains.com United States14
afternic.com United States52
cdnjs.com United States61
paypal.com United States65
vimeo.com United States67
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