
Category - Marketing Automation, Tag Managers, Marketing Analytics

Signal's Tag Management solution helps marketers, web analysts and agencies establish autonomy from IT development cycles to accelerate the launch of new data-driven initiatives

We have discovered  3,262 live websites   that are using Signal.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Signal3,262 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Marketing Automation#78
Market share in Marketing Automation<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Signal usage.
Websites that added Signal 72
Websites that dropped Signal 493

Available Reports

Technology Information

Signal usage by Country

United States2,144 websites

Netherlands367 websites
Germany356 websites
Australia104 websites
Japan97 websites
China27 websites
Brazil25 websites
Switzerland22 websites
Singapore15 websites
Poland12 websites

Signal usage by TLD

.com2,124 websites
.de294 websites
.com.br201 websites
.org185 websites
.co.jp60 websites
.edu58 websites
.net51 websites
.com.ar38 websites
.jp36 websites
.ch22 websites

Websites utilizing Signal

Top websites that use Signal
DomainCountryRankContacts United States1,928 United States2,865 United States3,484 United States3,774 United States5,011 United States5,607
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

MailChimp: Total 1,629,424 domains found using MailChimp
HubSpot: Total 359,103 domains found using HubSpot
Brevo: Total 332,135 domains found using Brevo
MailChimp for WordPress: Total 228,813 domains found using MailChimp for WordPress
Klaviyo: Total 177,258 domains found using Klaviyo
Constant Contact: Total 127,498 domains found using Constant Contact
Mailchimp for WooCommerce: Total 118,106 domains found using Mailchimp for WooCommerce
Adobe Experience Cloud: Total 118,057 domains found using Adobe Experience Cloud
EepURL Reports: Total 113,057 domains found using EepURL Reports
ActiveCampaign: Total 90,356 domains found using ActiveCampaign


WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Signal. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Signal through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 3,262 live websites that currently use Signal.
Signal has <0.1% market share in Marketing Automation.
The primary competing technologies to Signal are MailChimp, HubSpot, Brevo, and MailChimp for WordPress.