
website information and technology stack
Web technologies detected on this domain3 technologies
Web technologies detected across all skype.com subdomains47 technologies
web.skype.com redirects to login.skype.com
Website rank3,010
Website Location United States
Last technology updateJanuary, 2024
Total skype.com subdomain count73 subdomains
Top ranking subdomain www.skype.com (Rank: 1,359)
IP Address52.113.194.133
IP Lookup28 websites share IP address.
Autonomous System Number (ASN)AS8068 (MICROSOFT-CORP-MSN-AS-BLOCK)
Total linking domains7,940 domains
Total linking IP5,659 IPs
Certificate IssuerMicrosoft Corporation
Certificate Expiration DateMarch, 2025 (Valid )

Technology Stack

List of detected technologies used on the website.
TechnologyTechnology TypeVersionFirst detected
Azure Traffic ManagerLoad BalancerDecember, 2023
Microsoft CACertificate AuthorityDecember, 2023
Microsoft HostingWeb HostingDecember, 2023

Uncommon response headers

List of uncommon response headers that were used by the website.
X-MSEdge-RefRef A: 2E908FC54DB5488DB9B749381F2A686B Ref B: LAX311000108051 Ref C: 2024-04-02T19:06:49Z