Appointment Scheduling

Appointment scheduling software allows businesses and professionals to manage appointments and bookings.

We have discovered 902,974 live websites that use Appointment Scheduling.

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Appointment Scheduling usage statistics

Total sites that use Appointment Scheduling902,974 websites
Percentage of website that use category1.44%
Number of technologies in Appointment Scheduling category67

Category leader Wix Bookings
Fastest Growing Technology Wix Bookings
Most Popular in Country Israel

Alternative Names

  • appointment booking

Appointment Scheduling usage by Country

United States285,885 websites

Israel475,143 websites
Germany31,142 websites
France15,858 websites
GB14,573 websites
Switzerland7,514 websites
Netherlands7,266 websites
Australia6,391 websites
Canada5,683 websites
Italy4,669 websites

Appointment Scheduling usage by TLD

.com558,653 websites
.org47,844 websites
.co.uk38,455 websites
.de27,938 websites
.com.au22,960 websites
.net21,767 websites
.ca15,620 websites
.fr14,151 websites
.ch12,417 websites
.com.br11,536 websites

Top Technologies

Top 6 technologies in Appointment Scheduling category (out of 67 total).
See full technology list

Top technology switches

Number of websites that switched technologies within category in the past 3 months

FromToWebsite Count
Wix Bookings Calendly31
Acuity Scheduling Calendly22
vCita Wix Bookings17
Calendly Acuity Scheduling14
Calendly Wix Bookings12
vCita Calendly11

Websites utilizing Appointment Scheduling

Top websites that use Appointment Scheduling
DomainCountryRankContacts United States21 United States502 United States518 Russia568 United States697 United States700
See full domain list