Customer data platform

A customer data platform (CDP) is a collection of software which creates a persistent, unified customer database.

We have discovered 178,766 live websites that use Customer data platform.

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Customer data platform usage statistics

Total sites that use Customer data platform178,766 websites
Percentage of website that use category0.22%
Number of technologies in Customer data platform category39

Category leader Tealium
Fastest Growing Technology Sirdata
Most Popular in Country United States

Top Technologies

Top 6 technologies in Customer data platform category (out of 39 total).
TechnologyWebsitesMarket ShareRecent changes
Tealium55,770 31.20% -25,490
Segment42,468 23.76% +171
Sirdata20,719 11.59% +530
Drip11,635 6.51% -62
SALESmanago8,547 4.78% +209
Autopilot7,798 4.36% -154
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Top technology switches

Number of websites that switched technologies within category in the past 3 months

FromToWebsite Count
Segment RudderStack7
mParticle Dstillery1
Salesforce DMP Tealium1
Segment Salesforce DMP1
Tealium Salesforce DMP1
Tealium Segment1

Customer data platform usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of Customer data platform technologies and the relative popularity of websites

Geographical Distribution

Category usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing Customer data platform

Top websites that use Customer data platform
DomainCountryRankContacts United States67 United States77 United States185 United States208 France217 United States260
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