Help desk

Customer support is a range of customer services to assist customers in making cost-effective and correct use of a product.

We have discovered 556,562 live websites that use Help desk.

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Help desk usage statistics

Total sites that use Help desk556,562 websites
Percentage of website that use category0.86%
Number of technologies in Help desk category85

Category leader Zendesk Guide
Fastest Growing Technology Discord
Most Popular in Country United States

Alternative Names

  • Customer support

Help desk usage by Country

United States386,970 websites

Germany21,120 websites
Netherlands19,995 websites
France16,757 websites
China11,256 websites
GB11,052 websites
Singapore6,012 websites
Israel5,945 websites
Hong Kong5,158 websites
Russia4,971 websites

Help desk usage by TLD

.com325,859 websites
.org23,119 websites
.net19,856 websites
.nl16,052 websites
.co.uk13,877 websites
.com.au12,109 websites
.de9,916 websites
.io7,888 websites
.fr6,950 websites
.com.br6,261 websites

Top Technologies

Top 6 technologies in Help desk category (out of 85 total).
See full technology list

Top technology switches

Number of websites that switched technologies within category in the past 3 months

FromToWebsite Count
Zendesk Gorgias35
xSellco Zendesk Guide20
LiveChat Zendesk16
Zendesk Freshdesk15
Helpshift Zendesk12
Helpshift Zendesk Guide12

Websites utilizing Help desk

Top websites that use Help desk
DomainCountryRankContacts United States4 United States21 United States27 United States53 United States67 United States68
See full domain list