
Category - Analytics

6sense's AI platform uses historic intent signals to reconstruct the account-based buyer journey for your business

We have discovered  7,362 live websites   that are using 6Sense.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using 6Sense7,362 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Analytics#153
Market penetration in Analytics<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in 6Sense usage.
Websites that added 6Sense 1,654
Websites that dropped 6Sense 427

Available Reports

Technology Information

6Sense usage by Country

United States6,779 websites

Sweden137 websites
Germany65 websites
GB61 websites
Netherlands52 websites
Canada33 websites
Singapore31 websites
Australia26 websites
France25 websites
China16 websites

6Sense usage by TLD

.com4,934 websites
.us857 websites
.io287 websites
.org273 websites
.net117 websites
.ai84 websites
.co59 websites
.de54 websites
.co.uk52 websites
.com.au40 websites

Websites utilizing 6Sense

Top websites that use 6Sense
vimeo.com United States67
bluehost.com United States251
zoom.us United States330
imperva.com United States506
us02web.zoom.us United States602
zendesk.com Ireland1,161
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Google Analytics: Total 14,069,416 domains found using Google Analytics
Global Site Tag: Total 6,877,681 domains found using Global Site Tag
Facebook Pixel: Total 2,468,205 domains found using Facebook Pixel
Google Analytics Enhanced eCommerce: Total 1,524,074 domains found using Google Analytics Enhanced eCommerce
Facebook Conversion Tracking: Total 1,501,586 domains found using Facebook Conversion Tracking
Site Kit: Total 1,192,853 domains found using Site Kit
Yandex.Metrika: Total 1,188,421 domains found using Yandex.Metrika
MonsterInsights: Total 858,323 domains found using MonsterInsights
Snowplow: Total 622,766 domains found using Snowplow
Matomo: Total 579,746 domains found using Matomo


6Sense is Analytics.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including 6Sense. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing 6Sense through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 7,362 live websites that currently use 6Sense.
The primary competing technologies to 6Sense are Google Analytics, Global Site Tag, Facebook Pixel, and Google Analytics Enhanced eCommerce.