Taboola Newsroom

Category - Analytics

Taboola Newsroom helps writers, editors and special-interest teams make informed decisions to increase readership.

We have discovered  568 live websites   that are using Taboola Newsroom.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Taboola Newsroom568 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Analytics#397
Market penetration in Analytics<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Taboola Newsroom usage. (See Taboola Newsroom Usage Changes report)
Websites that added Taboola Newsroom+62
Websites that dropped Taboola Newsroom-109

Taboola Newsroom usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of Taboola Newsroom technology and the relative popularity of websites

Geographical Distribution

Technology usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing Taboola Newsroom

Top websites that use Taboola Newsroom
DomainCountryRankContacts United States819 United States1,853 Germany3,080 United States3,780 France5,240 China5,720
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Google Analytics: Total 15,496,711 domains found using Google Analytics
Global Site Tag: Total 7,738,650 domains found using Global Site Tag
Facebook Pixel: Total 2,659,112 domains found using Facebook Pixel
Google Analytics Enhanced eCommerce: Total 1,948,047 domains found using Google Analytics Enhanced eCommerce
Facebook Conversion Tracking: Total 1,625,504 domains found using Facebook Conversion Tracking
Yandex.Metrika: Total 1,196,847 domains found using Yandex.Metrika
Site Kit: Total 1,144,494 domains found using Site Kit
MonsterInsights: Total 926,263 domains found using MonsterInsights
Snowplow: Total 657,152 domains found using Snowplow
Baidu Analytics: Total 621,436 domains found using Baidu Analytics