Push Notifications

Parent Category: Widgets

Push technology is a style of Internet-based communication where the request for a given transaction is initiated by the publisher or central server

We have discovered 235,188 live websites that use Push Notifications.

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Push Notifications usage statistics

Total sites that use Push Notifications235,188 websites
Percentage of website that use category0.37%
Number of technologies in Push Notifications category44

Category leader OneSignal
Fastest Growing Technology PushOwl
Most Popular in Country United States

Top Technologies

Top 6 technologies in Push Notifications category (out of 44 total).
TechnologyWebsitesMarket ShareRecent changes
OneSignal74,431 31.65% -941
SendPulse35,735 15.19% -319
Zotabox31,900 13.56% -275
AWeber25,155 10.70% -337
SignalR8,149 3.46% -746
PushOwl7,861 3.34% +122
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Top technology switches

Number of websites that switched technologies within category in the past 3 months

FromToWebsite Count
OneSignal WebPushr16
WebPushr OneSignal10
Truepush OneSignal8
OneSignal PushEngage7
SendPulse SendSay5

Websites utilizing Push Notifications

Top websites that use Push Notifications
manning.com United States633
syncfusion.com United States690
wired.com United States749
cnn.com United States813
reg.ru Russia914
forms.office.com United States1,139
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