
Personalization software systems tailor a service or a product to accommodate the specific individual users.

We have discovered 740,962 live websites that use Personalization.

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Personalization usage statistics

Total sites that use Personalization740,962 websites
Percentage of website that use category1.18%
Number of technologies in Personalization category164

Category leader Optimizely
Fastest Growing Technology SalesFire
Most Popular in Country United States

Alternative Names

  • Personalisation
  • Journey Orchestration

Personalization usage by Country

United States608,193 websites

Netherlands29,900 websites
France16,075 websites
Germany12,888 websites
Japan11,192 websites
GB9,620 websites
Russia4,820 websites
Spain3,449 websites
Czech Republic2,861 websites
Australia2,728 websites

Personalization usage by TLD

.com434,570 websites
.org24,373 websites
.net23,989 websites
.co.uk22,959 websites
.nl21,085 websites
.de14,349 websites
.com.au10,133 websites
.fr9,976 websites
.info9,113 websites
.eu6,985 websites

Top Technologies

Top 6 technologies in Personalization category (out of 164 total).
See full technology list

Websites utilizing Personalization

Top websites that use Personalization
DomainCountryRankContacts United States27 United States65 United States67 United States77 United States84 United States141
See full domain list